So a bit of a change this week for little me. I'm no longer on the boys team which means no more skiving! Boo. They do skive quite often and have self proclaimed themselves as 'SWWOOFERS' - "SEMI" Willing Workers on Organic Farms'
So instead I'm working with the girls which has the bonus of a lie in as we don't start until 10am but downside is I don't get to finish at 3. It does have the additional bonus of that I don't get asked to shovel horse crap anymore which is nice and I get to run round the gardens chasing the 'chooks' back into the pen.
One of the chooks......I think he looks like Ringo from the Beatles |
There are quite a few scary spiders out here though and I've no idea which are poisoness and which ones aren't so unfortunately they have all been getting squished! Beefy buggers some of them. I'm also getting bitten to hell by the ants and mozzies. Greedy little buggers that they are........I need my blood!
Pure Evil |
So apart from working on the resort there is not a whole lot to do in an evening around here apart from watch a hell of a lot of Prison Break! There are lots of waterfalls and scenic things to do but it's rained for the last week so not been able to venture out really, hopefully it will get better before we get water-logged!
Amusing ourselves with childish behavior seems to be the main focus of filling in the time, I dyed John's eyebrows so now he looks a bit like Herman Munster (sorry John).
John during eyebrow dying |
John after eyebrow dying |
The guys also thought it would be funny to leave us a little present in the form or a dead bandacoot on the sauna door! Damn those pesky boys!
Our new door-handle |
Gonna be even quiteter from Wednesday though as Sarah finished her last days of woofing today and John finishes on Wednesday. I think Wally will be crying for a few weeks after John leaves as their 'Bromance' has been developing into something quite special! Bless.............
True Love |
As a bit of a farewell celebration we headed out to the local Indian for a meal on Friday night. I was drunk after 2 glasses of wine which is no surprise!
Not as good as the curry houses in Leeds I've gotta say (teeny tiny poppadoms and nanns!) but 'twas still good!
Us 'swoofers' having a reet good curry! |
So thats about it for life on the mountain at the moment..........guess I'll go for my daily sauna and work on my guns!
Erm......I'm so much harder! |